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Company Policies

Our company policies and procedures establish the rules of conduct within Severfield

Anti-bribery and Corruption Statement

Severfield prohibits all forms of bribery and corruption, both in giving and receiving, wherever it operates. This includes its own employees and any agent or business partner acting on its behalf.

Any employee who suspects that bribes are being paid or received in connection to a company transaction or has evidence of corruption is required to report it immediately to a Severfield director.

Our anti-bribery and corruption policy seeks to ensure that the Company and its associated persons remain compliant with this legislation.

The policy applies to every employee, director or officer of Severfield, its subsidiaries and any joint venture company or partnership under the control of Severfield. Contract staff must also follow the anti-bribery and corruption policy.

Bribery is a criminal offence in most countries in which Severfield does business and penalties can be severe.

Contractors and consultants who are our agents or working on our behalf or in our name, (through outsourcing of services, processes or any business activity), are also required to act consistently with the anti-bribery and corruption policy when acting on our behalf.

Independent contractors or consultants are made aware of the anti-bribery and corruption policy as it applies to our staff in their dealings with them.

Competition Compliance Statement

Integrity is one of our core company values and this means that we will conduct our business lawfully and ethically. This includes absolute compliance with competition law. Our competition law compliance policy requires that:

  • Severfield formulates and make bids for contracts independently from and without any agreement or arrangement with its competitors.
  • Severfield avoids any discussions, information exchanges or agreements with competitors or potential competitors.

Severfield Fraud and Tax Evasion Statement

For suppliers and sub-contractors.

This guide is made on behalf of the whole Severfield Group of companies.

'How to get paid guide'

For suppliers and sub-contractors.

This guide is made on behalf of each of Severfield plc, Severfield Commercial & Industrial Ltd, and Severfield Commercial & Industrial (NI) Limited.

Modern Slavery Statement

This statement is made on behalf of each of Severfield plc, Severfield Commercial & Industrial Limited, Severfield (Products & Processing) Limited, Severfield Commercial & Industrial (NI) Limited, Severfield Infrastructure Limited and Severfield Nuclear and Infrastructure Limited.


Severfield wishes to encourage effective and honest communication and is committed to a robust response to any malpractice brought to its attention.

Our Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure enables anyone to raise genuine concerns about malpractice in the knowledge that their concerns will be taken seriously and that they will be protected from possible reprisals by colleagues and management.

GDPR Candidate Privacy Notice